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We can create a beautiful portrait from almost any photo.
Check out this guide to see what photo to choose to her the best results

For Pet Portraits

•Close up photos work best!
•Take your photo at eye level with your pet.
•Take your photo in natural daylight and don’t use flash.
•Try to get your pet to sit or stay still – make sure there’s no blur.
•Make sure long floppy ears are in the photo and are not out of frame.

Pet memorial gifts

For Human Portraits

•Photo taken at straight angle with your chin pointing straight or slightly upwards.
•Photo hight quality, not pixelated, with all facial features visible when zoomed in.
•Photo with all of your head visible. Nothing is cut off or hidden.

Human Portrait Custom Gift For Women Or Men
Human Portrait Custom Gift For Women Or Men

What can we edit in your artwork?

For Human Portraits

● Improve the quality of poor resolution photo
● Change expression on photo
● Change hair style and color
● Change beard/moustache style
● Change background
● Change costume color
● Change skin color or tone
● Remove glasses
● Edit in costume length and weight
● Add/remove/change a crown on any portrait

For Pet Portraits

● Improve the quality of poor resolution photo
● Change background
● Change costume color
● Remove collar
● Add/remove/change a crown on any portrait
● Add pet’s name

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